Cape Crusaders
How wonderful is it that Cape Breton has moved into the age of the internet? Our new page will make it possible for the Cape Crusaders to keep you informed. Kudos to Doug Cummings for a superb job in designing and hosting our new site.
Let’s explain that the Cape Crusaders is made up of stockholder volunteers who work together to run various events throughout the year. One of them, The Century Club, was previously hosted by the Women’s Club. The ladies decided that we should take over the reigns, so for the last couple of years we have organized The Century Club. Our goal like with The Women’s Club was to donate back some proceeds to The Cape. Our July 4 th Gift Auction is another annual event. Last year we organized an outing to the Blue Claws Stadium and the year before a brunch on the River Belle in Point Pleasant.
Our immediate plans for this year are to prepare the Century Club tickets for sale at our first Stockholders Meeting. Soon preparations will begin for our July 4 th Gift Auction. The donations from you last year were overwhelming especially for the Children’s table. They had such a wonderful time buying tickets and placing them in the containers for the prizes. So of course this year we will provide a separate table for them again.
Please remember if you have received a gift for the holidays or a special occasion that you know you will not use, contact us and we will welcome it for our auction. The Blue Claws outing for this year has been scheduled for Friday, August 17th. We will be on the 3 rd base line and the Belly Buster picnic will include lots of food and drink which begins ½ hour before the game and fireworks will follow immediately after the game has ended. Tickets are limited so please contact Marlene Nagy or Lori Breitenbruck. Like last year it should be a fun evening for all.
We encourage you to come and join the fun. Participation is the key and the more of you who volunteer the merrier. Fresh, new ideas are energizing. So if you have an idea for a fun fund-raiser don’t be shy. Please contact us. You can reach us by email. Go to the Directors List page. Just click and email us with your comments, ideas or to volunteer your time to run an event or join us at one of our meetings. We would love to see you.
Happy Spring
Marlene Nagy, Judy Danner, Denise Swan and Lori Breitenbruck, Sandy Lidz-Cummings